
As you look to buy a home in California, you will find that there are many things you will see that may frustrate you. However, it is essential to remember what matters and what doesn’t. We have compiled three things that can turn off a homebuyer but shouldn’t. Keep reading and then contact Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices at (310) 373-0021 for more home buying tips.

1. Dirty Carpet or Unattractive Wallpaper

Sure, you may prefer a home that is ready to move into, but some simple, inexpensive issues shouldn’t keep you from considering a home. For example, putting up a new coat of paint or replacing the flooring are generally not expensive or time-consuming. You can likely even finish these projects before you move in.

While the sellers are not wise to leave their shag carpet or unusual walls colors or wallpaper, it would be unwise for you to use this as the only reason not to choose a home that you would otherwise love. It is up to you to look at the home’s bones and not the superficial things that you can easily fix.

2. Rooms That Have Strange Uses

If you walk into a home and see that a formal dining room is being used as an office, or that a bedroom is primarily being used to store clothing, it is natural to assume that those rooms won’t work for you. Once again, look at the bones of the place. You do not have to use the home the way the previous owner did. Once you have moved in, these will be empty rooms that you can do with what you will.

3. A Plethora of Personal Effects in a Home

When a seller has their home chock full of photos of their family, diplomas and awards, or other hyper-personal belongings, it can be difficult for a buyer to imagine themselves living there. What’s even worse is when the seller is at the showing. Everyone is uncomfortable in this situation. It is common for buyers to feel as though they can’t freely explore the home, look in closets or cabinets, or say anything negative out loud.

While this can be frustrating, the wise buyer realizes that this kind of over-personalization of a home can prevent people from making offers – which can lower the prices. As we explained previously, the key is looking at the bones of the house. Do not be afraid to open a closet or cabinet – you need to see what you will have before you make a considerable investment.

Doing this can be more comfortable when you have a real estate professional with you. Contact Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices at (310) 373-0021 now to get started and learn how you can more easily find the home you are looking for.