
In recent years, tiny homes and smaller spaces have become very popular. At Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices we see this trend begin to end for three main reasons. Read on to find out what they are and then contact us at (310) 373-0021 if you are looking to buy a home.

1. More People Are Working from Home

Today’s generation is much more likely to work from home at least part of the time. As a result, the interest in home offices is much higher than ever before. What was once a two-bedroom home is now considered a one-bedroom home with an office. For this reason, many of today’s homeowners are not willing to consider a home with fewer than three bedrooms.

2. Open Floor Plans are Right for Modern Lifestyles

Closed off eating spaces and TV rooms are no longer all the rage – today’s home buyer wants open spaces with multi functions. The need for formal dining rooms and separate living rooms, family rooms, and dens has been replaced by the love of an open, almost loft-like home. This is due in large part to the fact that casual living styles are becoming more popular overall.

Today’s homeowner wants to take their time cooking dinner while being able to talk to and interact with their family. They want to be able to watch TV or a movie while stirring their risotto. An open floor plan allows homeowners much more flexibility.

3. Today’s Homeowners Want Room to Expand

In years gone by, a family expanding in their home generally meant having one or more children. It can still mean that, but as today’s youth are having fewer children and having them later in life, this is no longer always a serious consideration when they are buying homes. Instead, they want the room to expand everything else: Their collections, their furniture, their kitchen gadgets – the list goes on and on.

Many who have lived in smaller quarters for many years point to the fact that larger homes allow them a full wardrobe not impeded by the small closet they have access to, or the ability to stock up at big box stores because there is room to store the excess. In short, today’s homeowner wants plenty of room to stand up, stretch out, and invest in what they love.

We Can Help You Find a Home of Any Size

When you work with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, we do not focus on just one side of the home. Whether you want a ten-bedroom luxury home or a studio condo, we can help you. Contact us now at (310) 373-0021 and let us start finding you the home you’ve been wishing wished.