
There are many things to plan for as you consider your upcoming open house. You have likely heard that it is wise to remove personal belongings, photos, etc. so that people who visit can imagine living there if they buy your house. However, doing so can sometimes leave a home feeling that it has no personality. Consider the following five tips that can help you make the home seem cozier for an upcoming open house.

1. Start by Setting the Mood

Simple things can make it feel cozier at the open house. Light candles to improve the lighting, the smell, and to add warmth to the area. We recommend choosing seasonal scents that remind you of celebrating. Or choose scents that bring a feeling of California love, such as coconut or beachy smells.

2. Bake Something

This may be the oldest trick in the book – but for good reason. When you bake something, think cookies, cakes, or pie, it gives the home a beautiful smell – and this can be quite cozy. Does this mean that you have to work for hours in the kitchen? No. It is fine to buy take and bake cookies or other treats. The key is that they must spend time in the oven and come out right before the open house begins.

3. Add Texture to the Décor

If you do have décor, add some texture to make it look cozier. This could include things like plush throw blankets, sheepskin blankets, and cushions. The more luxury fabrics and pillows you have, the cozier it will be and more easily potential buyers will be able to imagine snuggling in. You can choose faux products – they only need to look nice, no one will be using them. When the house is sold, give anything you don’t want to your local resale store.

4. Set Up Evidence of Seasonal Activities

People often find a home to be cozy when they associate it with specific times of the year or seasons. If it is near Christmas, set up your tree. If it is around Halloween, get out your jack-o-lantern. If it is cooler out, bring out your warm blankets and drape them over the couch. If summer is in full swing, neatly line up flip flops near the front door. The point is simply that you want the home to feel like the season that is coming.

5. Get Help from Your Real Estate Professional

The truth is that what sells a house can vary from house to house, from neighborhood to neighborhood, and from price point to price point. If you want the best advice on how to make your particular home more inviting for potential buyers, contact Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices at (310) 373-0021 and let us help you.