
In a perfect world, home buyers would be able to see through the paint, furniture, and other temporary aspects of a home to see what lies beneath. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. This is why it is smart to stage your home before you put it on the market.

This doesn’t mean you have to spend thousands of dollars. In fact, there are a number of fairly affordable options you can take advantage of to stage your bedroom. Read on to learn more. If you need additional tips for sellers, or a realtor, contact Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices at (310) 373-0021.

Staging Bedroom Furniture

First and foremost, let’s get the furniture out of the way. There are plenty of DIY bed frames that you can try to make on your own. This can be the perfect time to do so because you only need it to look great – you don’t need it to be durable. You can also try reupholstering an existing bedframe to make it look more high end.

If none of this is an option, consider renting furniture from a rent to own store. This is a terrible deal for the long-term if you were going to keep the furniture, but for a few months it can be much cheaper than buying the furniture outright. You can also invest in furniture for your new home but use it to stage the home while you are in it.

Paint the Walls

One of the most affordable ways to make a dramatic change to a room and to help it instantly look updated is to paint the walls. This could be a new color or just a fresh coat of the color you already have. Either way, it is a great way to showcase a room and help the potential buyer to feel that your home is more updated, in better shape, and more elegant than they would otherwise think it is.

Add a Lot of Pillows

When potential buyers are looking at your home, they are most likely looking for your bedroom to be a place where they can relax and feel cozy and comfortable. Adding some simple throw pillows to your bed can help create this feeling. You can add additional pillows to any chairs or seating areas in the bedroom.

Get Help from Your Real Estate Professional

At Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices we have sold many homes. We know what buyers are looking for. We know how to help clients showcase a home in a way that brings out the best. To learn how we can help you with your home sale, we encourage you to call us at (310) 373-0021 right away.