
Whether you have sold several homes or this is your first one, it is likely that you may feel nervous. After all, people will be walking through your home and judging it. The good news is that you have a great seller’s agent in Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. Call us now for help at (310) 373-0021 or keep reading for a few tips to help you prepare.

It is All About the First Impression

It is often the case that potential buyers are looking at dozens of properties on the same day. They are going to make a snap decision on your home the moment they see it. Drive up to your home and look at the outside. Are there minor exterior paint issues you can touch up? Are there landscaping issues you can touch up? Could cleaning your pathway make a difference? It is worth looking into.

Get Your Property in the Cleanest Possible Condition

When you have an open house, it is essential that the property be in perfectly clean condition. We recommend hiring a professional house cleaner but it doesn’t stop there. It is also worth calling in the window washing experts and carpet steamers. The more you can do to get your home clean, the better it will show.

Stage Your Home

You do not want your home to be cluttered or to have so many personal artifacts that a potential buyer cannot imagine living there. On the other hand, you do not want it to be so empty that it appears boring. The answer? Staging it. This could be as much as hiring a professional company to bring in high-end furniture and accessories to decorate your home, or it could be as simple as adding fresh touches like clean towels hanging in the bathroom and vases full of beautiful flowers.

Remove All Signs of Your Pets

If you have pets that live in your home, do everything you can to get them out of the house. If this is not possible, then try to confine them to an area that is less likely to get traffic. There are a few reasons for this. First, if your animals become overwhelmed by strangers coming in and out of your home, they could cause an issue and even injure someone.

Second, buyers would prefer a home without pets. This is especially true in today’s world in which more and more people are developing allergies. If a potential home buyer can choose between one house that does not have a history of pets in it, or one in which they know several pets have lived, they are likely to choose the pet-free option.

At Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices we will be there to work you through the open house process. Call us now at (310) 373-0021 to find out more about how this process works.