
Are you thinking about buying a new house? You could be tempted to start researching this concept by looking at dream houses on the internet. While this may make you feel warm and fuzzy, it is not the most realistic course of action. You must be more meticulous in order for the house purchasing process to proceed as fast, easily, and satisfyingly as possible.

It’s especially crucial to plan ahead of time for your hoped-for purchase date so that you can see and act on the ideal chance when you see it. Before you even begin looking at postings, there are four things you should do to prepare yourself. Remember that you can contact Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices at (310) 373-0021 anytime to get help with the home buying – and home selling – process.

Create Your Vision

Spend some time expressing your vision for your family’s dream house. Instead of focusing on the appearance of the home at this stage, think about how you want it to integrate into your everyday life. Consider how long you want your commute to be, if you want your children to be able to walk to primary school, and whether you want to be close to a park, among other things. Think about how your demands could vary over time and how that might influence your dream house. You are less likely to fall in love with a property that isn’t a suitable long-term fit if your vision is clear before you begin your home hunt.

Organize Your Team

Your real estate agent and mortgage broker will be crucial in assisting you with the purchase of your new property. So don’t choose these pros on the spur of the moment! Instead, take the effort to select a group with whom you feel completely at ease. When selecting a real estate agent, seek for someone who has experience in the exact local market you wish to purchase in.

Examine Your Credit Report

It’s a good idea to check your credit before you start the mortgage application process to avoid unpleasant shocks while you’re attempting to get accepted for a mortgage. You might be startled to see mistakes on your credit report that are lowering your credit score and making it difficult to get the best financing. You could also discover that in order to repair your credit, you’ll need to pay off any past-due payments. You will allow yourself more time to address any concerns if you are proactive about researching your credit. is a website where you may receive a free credit report.

Make a Cash Reserve for the Closing

Hopefully, you’ve already put money down for a down payment. A decent target range is 10% to 20% of your anticipated buying price. However, there will be additional closing costs to pay, and you don’t want to be taken off guard. Your mortgage broker can help you get a clearer sense of what these fees could be in your circumstances, so you can budget appropriately and ensure you have enough cash on hand before you start looking for a house.

Call Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices now at (310) 373-0021 if you’re ready to start looking for a new home. We have a large number of local market specialists on our team.