
Moving into an older house has many positive aspects, but there are also important considerations. Regardless of your needs, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices can assist you in purchasing a house. Having said that, we always want our customers to fully understand what to anticipate from their house. Today, we’ll discuss several potential issues you should keep an eye out for while looking for an older house. You can contact us at (310) 373-0021 if you need additional tips on buying a home or representation.

Lead and asbestos should be checked for

The EPA prohibited asbestos, but only in 1989. Any house constructed before that could have asbestos. Older homes frequently had had the asbestos replaced, but if not, you should be aware that doing so is an expensive process. Lead paint has the same effect. Lead paint was still acceptable if the house was constructed prior to 1978. Federal law requires that lead paint be removed if there will be a child living there who is six years old or younger and the house still has lead paint.

Thorough inspections of the sills and foundation are required

Older homes may have foundations that require repair due to cracks, tilting, sunken areas, or other issues. Keep in mind that the foundation supports the entire house, making even a small deficiency very problematic. It’s important to thoroughly inspect the sill plate as well. Insects, water, or other factors may be sensitive as time goes on. An experienced inspector should examine the foundation and sills.

Keep alert for electrical problems

If the house you are looking at was built more than 50 years ago, its electrical system was not built to withstand the demands of modern life. For instance, an older property might contain wiring made of knob and tubes, which was used from the late 1800s until the 1930s. It uses single-insulated copper conductors, which are inadequate to meet the demands for power in the modern world.

Look into the cost of insurance

An older home may be quite expensive to insure, particularly if it has outdated plumbing or electrical systems. Although some insurance may be inexpensive, it may not cover any harm brought on by these symptoms. Your monthly expenses may dramatically rise as a result of the cost of insurance.

Focus in particular on the roof

Any house you are thinking about purchasing has to have its roof inspected, but an older house needs to have this done even more so. Why? Because many older homes’ previous owners might have just covered the roof with new shingles rather than repairing it. This looks good, but it won’t last as long as a new roof would.

Think about your willingness to pay for utilities

Older houses are not likely to be extremely energy efficient unless they have undergone considerable renovations. In fact, when you speak to homeowners of older homes, one of their main gripes is probably that it is so expensive to heat and cool.

Do any of these things suggest that you shouldn’t purchase an older house? No, it just means that you should take into account all pertinent factors. To find out more about the properties that are currently on the market in your region, contact a real estate expert now by calling Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices at (310) 373-0021.