
As more and more people are working for home, a person who is looking to buy a home may find themselves in an unexpected predicament: Do they now need a home with a home office or an extra bedroom to turn into a home office? Not necessarily.

Yes, if you can afford to add another bedroom to your wish list, it would be great to create your own home office – but you do not need to do so. Simply follow these tips to make the most of your new and create a home office wherever you’re working.

Find a Space and Stick with It

One of the biggest problems occurs when workers move to different rooms throughout the week or even the day. This could be a counter in the kitchen or a nook in a bedroom. It doesn’t matter – it just matters that it is the spot that you do your work. This will train your brain that when you are in that area, you are going to start working. If you try to work on the couch in front of the TV, which your brain associates with zoning out and relaxing, you will have a harder time getting and staying motivated.

When you choose a space, make sure it is well lit and that you have a good chair. The chair should be comfortable and you should be able to type without having to strain to do so. Get your tech situation so that you can take and make Zoom calls without having to mess with plugs, wires, etc. every time you are signing on.

Get Rid of Clutter

If you are surrounded by clutter, your brain may feel cluttered and have a harder time concentrating and getting down to business. Throw away anything that you do not need, such as pens that don’t work. Organize the items that you do need in nice, decorative storage bins or cups. Get everything you need close at hand and make sure that all non-essentials are located somewhere else.

Create a “Get Started” Ritual

If you are used to working at an office, think about what your daily morning looked like. If you are like most people, you had a very specific ritual that you may not even realize you were taking part in, but it was prepping the brain by telling it work was about to begin.

For example, you may have walked into the office, chatted with the receptionist for a few minutes, walked to your desk to drop off your things, and then gotten a cup of coffee from the breakroom. When you then sat down and started checking your email, your brain had already switched into work mode for you because you had completed the ritual. Create a similar ritual at your home that tunes in your brain to the fact that you are about to get started on your workday.