
As parents it is easy to let the kids take over the home. It starts with a few toys in the living room and before you know it you can’t take a shower without spending 15 minutes emptying the tub of bath toys. At Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices we want to encourage our buyers to find ways to prevent this toy-creep from happening from the moment they move into their new dream home.

Get Rid of the Clutter

No matter how many organization tools you buy, no matter how many toy buckets you have, if there are too many toys your home is not going to look organized. It may sound impossible to get your kids on board, but there is a trick to it: Get them to make a pile of “baby toys” they no longer use and that can be donated. When they separate their toys in this way, it will be easier for them to see and recognize what they are no longer playing with and does not need to be kept.

Be Picky When Choosing Your Child’s Toys

It can be tempting to grab a toy on a whim to surprise your kid, but it is better to be picky. Remember that anything you buy is likely to be in your home for a few years. Do not choose toys that are cheaply made, not appropriate for their current age, too large, pointless, or tied into a movie they love today but are likely to be tired of next week.

Choose toys that are well made, appropriate for today’s play, versatile, and encourage creativity so that your child can continue to enjoy them as they advance.

Leave Some of the Toys Out of Reach

If there are certain toys that your little one is constantly leaving around, such as puzzles that end up between couch cushions or play-doh that ends up all over the house, put them somewhere that your child can’t reach them. When they want to play with them, they can do so – but only in a designated area.

Make Sure Every Toy Has a Home

It is much easier to keep your home picked up when everything has a home. We’ve all experienced the dreaded “junk drawer” where things we don’t know what to do with go to live. Do not let your children’s toys cause a similar situation. Make sure you and your children know where everything goes so it is easier to keep it cleaned up.

Choose a Home with Room for Everyone

Of course, ideally you would invest in a home that has a playroom just for the kids. If you are ready to make this a serious option, we invite you to contact Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices at (310) 373-0021 for help. We can help you better understand the options available in your area.