
There are a few things you should know whether you are in the process of buying a property or are about to begin. There are numerous reasons to engage professionals to assist you in purchasing a property, but there are many more secrets to the home buying process than you may realize. Read on for some of the greatest home-buying advice, then call Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices at (310) 373-0021 to find out how we can assist you.

Do not make big purchases six months before you apply for a mortgage

If you’re buying a house and need to take out a loan, you should avoid making any significant purchases. If you do so, your credit score may suffer as a result. Lenders want to see that you are responsible, and one thing they will look for is that you have not made any significant purchases in the months leading up to the mortgage. Opening additional credit accounts, accumulating excessive debt, or purchasing expensive products can make it difficult to obtain a loan.

Make certain you’re pre-approved

We frequently encounter buyers who feel that being pre-approved for a mortgage equates to being pre-qualified. They are not the same. Pre-approval indicates that your loan has been approved after the lender has reviewed all relevant factors. They know how much you can afford, how much they’ll lend you, and how much you’ll pay in mortgage payments. Being pre-qualified simply means that the lender has reviewed some basic information and determined that they are likely to approve you for a certain amount.

You must conduct a survey

This is one of the most crucial pieces of advice you can get: have a survey done on the property you’re buying so you know exactly what you’re getting. This may prevent future conflicts with your neighbors. Also keep in mind that your property tax is likely calculated in part on the size of your home. You don’t want to pay taxes on land you don’t own, so getting a survey is a good idea.

Make no attempt to time the market

Buyers frequently stress over entering the market at just the correct time. It’s true that predicting what will happen in any particular month is impossible. When the home you desire is for sale and you can afford it, it’s the greatest moment to buy. Yes, some times are better than others, such as right now when mortgage rates are low, but waiting another month is likely to result in you missing out on the homes that are currently available.

Before purchasing a home, pay a visit at all hours of the day

Most people only look at a house during work hours, but you want to know how the neighborhood is at night, on weekends, early in the morning, and so on. You don’t have to tour the house during these hours; simply driving by will give you a decent notion of how the mood changes throughout the day.